Perú Travel Mart 2024: Latin American Media Show Great Interest in the Event

Maritza Montero, a CANATUR executive and president of the event's organizing committee, gave an interview last Wednesday, August 14, to the Paraguayan television outlet 5Días. She shared details about the upcoming edition of the Perú Travel Mart, which will take place from October 17 to 20 in Lima’s Historic Center.

Perú Travel Mart 2024: Latin American Media Show Great Interest in the Event

The Organizing Committee President emphasized the difference from previous editions, noting that this year’s goal involves a 180-degree shift in the business roundtable. Drawing inspiration from continents like Asia and Europe, Montero highlighted the importance of presenting the region as a whole: "South America and Latin America must be showcased as a united entity so that people can see our destinations and the wonders we offer."

The business roundtable will host buyers from various parts of the world, including the United States, Australia, Asia, and Europe. They will have the opportunity to experience Peruvian culture through flagship products, handicrafts, and artistic displays.

"We will have 6,000 meetings during the two days of negotiations, and we expect to generate USD 18 million. These kinds of events are crucial because they are transversal to tourism, create jobs, and diversify the economy, in addition to promoting our destinations," she stated.

Montero reiterated the importance of unifying the South American region as a destination, followed by the participation of various public and private entities for the event’s successful execution: "This is an event that connects the private sector with the public. It is an effort led by CANATUR along with PROMPERÚ, with many people involved to ensure its success. I believe it is crucial to join forces to unite Latin America and showcase the wonders we offer."

Source: Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Perú