"Sudamérica Conecta" is born from the efforts of the South American Tourism Federation (FEDESUD) along with the Tourism Chambers and Federations of the member countries. This project aims to create integrated tourist routes that promote the region as a bloc in international markets.
You will see the launch of this initiative on September 26 and 27 in Montevideo, Uruguay. During these two days, you'll participate in activities, including informative panels, co-creation workshops for route development, and business roundtables. These events will provide you with the tools to promote destinations and create tourism products with commercial potential.
Marina Canero, the president of Fedesud, describes this project as a milestone in the history of Latin American tourism. “For the first time, we are uniting our efforts in a concrete way to present our region as an integrated and competitive destination in global markets. South America has immense tourism potential, and by working together, you strengthen our local economies and offer tourists a unique and diverse experience.”
In Peru, CANATUR leads the implementation of this initiative. José Koechlin, the head of the Chamber, refers to it as a significant advance in regional cooperation. “Collaboration between countries is essential to create an integrated tourism experience that attracts international visitors, generating a positive impact on both local and regional economies. This joint effort not only benefits the tourism industry but also fosters South American unity and identity, showcasing to the world the cultural and natural wealth that South America has to offer.”
Source: Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Perú