Spanish Travel Portal Highlights Peruvian Cuisine on a Global Scale

Viajestic, a travel website from Spain’s la SextaTV channel, celebrates Peru as one of the world’s best culinary destinations. The article titled “Peru Is One of the Best Culinary Destinations in the World” shares this recognition with their loyal readers.

Spanish Travel Portal Highlights Peruvian Cuisine | Ultimate Trekking
Peruvian food called "Causa Rellena"

This publication supports PromPerú’s mission to highlight Peru internationally, especially in Spain. It proudly mentions Peru’s three major wins at the 2024 World Travel Awards: best culinary destination, best tourist attraction (Machu Picchu), and best tourism website in Latin America (

Peruvian cuisine is rich in every way. It’s delicious, diverse, and full of unique ingredients and recipes,” says the article. It adds that while Peruvian food is now enjoyed worldwide, there’s no better place to experience it than in Peru itself. The article praises the skill of local chefs and the use of fresh, native ingredients in their dishes.

Viajestic also highlights Machu Picchu as the best tourist attraction. They call it “a unique place in the world” and a must-see for any visitor to Peru. Additionally, they recommend PromPerú’s website (, calling it the best online source for planning a trip to Peru.

Peru’s global appeal continues to grow, winning hearts and awards alike.

Source: Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Perú

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