Get ready to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Piura as the city marks its 492nd anniversary with a vibrant fair organized by the Provincial Municipality. Set for August 17th and 18th, you can explore over 40 stands showcasing the best of Peruvian cuisine, from traditional dishes like seco de chavelo and ceviche to live music performed by renowned orchestras.
The event will take place within the framework of Piura's 492nd anniversary and the Provincial Municipality will organize it, with the dates set for August 17th and 18th.
The fair will feature 40 stands, where attendees can learn more about Peruvian cuisine and taste various traditional dishes such as seco de chavelo, ceviche, rondas criollas, arroz con pato, among others.
Accompanying the gastronomic offerings, live concerts will be held, directed by renowned orchestras. Juan Francisco Cevallos, the first councilor, mentioned that "Piura con Mucho Gusto" aims to promote the consumption of Piuran food, as well as to revalue traditions and internationalize the region's cuisine.
It is important to note that entry to the fair is free, but access will be limited to ensure the safety of the attendees. Simultaneously, the tourism fair "Apavit Piura" will take place, featuring exhibitions of crafts and coffee by local entrepreneurs.
Source: Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Perú